
Welcome to the Novel Engineering for Swarm Technologies Lab!

We conduct research on swarm robotics, including coordination algorithms, software engineering, and human-swarm interaction.

Recent News

Award (Jul 20, 2023)

Khai Yi Chin received an RBE Graduate Student Travel Award to attend IROS 2023 in Detroit, MI and present his paper.

Award (Jul 20, 2023)

Ashay Aswale received an RBE Graduate Student Travel Award to attend IROS 2023 in Detroit, MI and present his paper.

Award (Apr 28, 2023)

Samantha Braun and Alyssa Magaha received the WPI Provost MQP Award for their project “Creating a Multi-Robot, Multi-Human, Multi-Platform System”.

Recent Publications

Extracting Symbolic Models of Collective Behaviors with Graph Neural Networks and Macro-Micro Evolution

Stephen Powers, Carlo Pinciroli. ANTS 2022.

Hacking the Colony: On the Disruptive Effect of Misleading Pheromone and How to Defend Against It

Ashay Aswale, Aukkawut Ammartayakun, Antonio Lopez, Carlo Pinciroli. AAMAS 2022 (Best Paper Award).

On Multi-Human Multi-Robot Remote Interaction: A Study of Transparency, Inter-Human Communication, and Information Loss in Remote Interaction

Jayam Patel, Prajankya Sonar, Carlo Pinciroli. Swarm Intelligence 2022.

  • start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/09/11 15:54
  • by Carlo Pinciroli