Table of Contents

Guidelines and Regulations

The motion capture system (MCS) is a shared resource amongst multiple research labs and as a result, a clear set of regulations have been put in place to ensure proper use and maintenance. Please ensure you fully understand and accept to abide by these regulations prior to using the MCS.

Scheduling Sessions

In order to use the MCS, you are required to make a reservation on the designated calendar. Using the without making a reservation is not allowed. Ensure you keep to the time allotted in your reservation. Allow sufficient time to take down or wrap up your experiment in advance of your end time. Because of the number of project/research teams using the MCS, the maximum amount of time allowed to be scheduled is 4 hours/day, and 12 hours/week. Should you need extra time, please contact the MCS managing team.

Use of Markers and other supplies

In order to allow all project/research teams have sufficient supplies to perform experiments, all markers (and other supplies) must be returned and stored at the end of the session. If your study requires markers to remain attached, please obtain approval from the MCS managing team prior to using the system. Used supplies (markers, rigid body belt assembly, etc.) must be returned and stored in an orderly fashion, in the way it was met.

Use of Capture Volume

Shoes are not allowed on the capture volume floor. Please walk with either socks or the slip-ons provided. Ensure that the capture volume floor is not stained or damaged during your study. If you need to make any markings to the white floor, please obtain approval from the MCS managing team.

Using the Hardware

Ensure you remain very careful while moving the tripod cameras to avoid them dropping. If you have repositioned the tripod cameras for your study, ensure you return them to the home position and use the safety rope to tie them up to the rail. Please avoid making any alterations to the hardware or wirings without informing the managing team.

Using the Software

Please avoid making any alterations to the software on MCS without informing the managing team.

Reporting Challenges

Ensure you report any challenges faced with the system at the end of your study to enable the managing team address them.


To request access to the calendar, please email

System Status

No current issues.


Vicon User Guide